Thinking About Contraception?
Know your options and make the right choice for you.
We offer Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), which acts as a form of birth control and is designed to last for years.

Coil With Hormones (IUS)
This coil is a small t-shaped device which is inserted into the womb and can be left for 5 years.
Coils Without Hormones (IUD)
This coil is a small device which is inserted into the womb which stops sperm from reaching the egg. Coils can be left for 5-10 years.
Contraceptive Implant
This is a flexible rod a couple of cm long that is fitted into your arm. This can be left for 4 years.
How Do I Book an Appointment?
Please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with our Nurse Practitioner to discuss further.